Have You Seen A UFO?

Who Says There’s UFO’s?

How many People can prove UFO’s are Real?

We’ve all seen movies, heard stories, or even claim to know something about UFOs. I remember a time around Second Grade, when everyone in my family was called out to the front yard in a burst of excitement. From the yard of our farm house in rural Oklahoma, I saw a streaking orange and reddish light travelling across the horizon at an unbelievable speed. This UFO was likely moving at several thousand miles an hour, since it crossed the horizon moving from South to North and out range in about 5 minutes. We called Vance AFB to let them know about our UFO Sighting; and heard they had already scrambled jets out intercept. Of course, nothing popped up in the news and it did not become part of the next day’s conversation. Being a Kid at the time, I kind of blew it off. Surprisingly, it still made an impact on me because I remember it like yesterday. We were all pretty excited at the time, and the thought seeing a flying saucer streaking across the sky at umpteen thousand miles an hour seemed pretty cool at the time. So, I have seen an Unidentified Flying Object; and perhaps you have to.

Compare the Facts

I worked on military jets in an earlier life, and often thought about the sudden development of the seemingly extraordinary advanced propulsion and aircraft designs. Things like “Fly by Wire Technology” and other military advancements appeared to be a bit off the scale. Back during this time, I knew right away, something was going on. My friends back home were still driving vehicles that expressed kindergarten technology by any comparison. Perhaps, even kindergarten would be a steep representation to this imbalance of human ingenuity. Some say this technology was a culmination of human engineering; and a result of effort and conceptual invention. Hmmm, I wonder. It seems more like we went from basic ingenuity to SYFI on steroids in a very short time. DBA would love to hear about any encounters you may have had, be it CE1, CE2, or CE3. We couldn’t be more interested in hearing stories similar to my experience. “What do you think about the possibility of Alien Technology somehow slipping into the mix?”; DBA is just curious.

UFO sightings in the United States

This is a list of alleged UFO sightings in the United States

Cape Girardeau UFO Crash

(Date: April, 1941City: Cape GirardeauState: Missouri)

Encounter (C3): UFOlogist Leonard H. Stringfield indicated he and others were sworn to silence by military officials after they viewed a spacecraft that had crashed. He also claims he witnessed dead alien bodies at the crash site.

Jimmy Carter UFO Incident

(Date: April, 1969City: Leary State: Georgia)

Encounter (C2): Jimmy Carter (Governor of Georgia and President of the United States) reported he saw a UFO in 1969. He filed a report with the International UFO Bureau in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in 1973 while he was still Georgia’s Governor.

2014 Texas UFO Sightings

(Date: August 20, 2014 - City: Houston State: Texas)

Encounter (C2): Dr. Carolyn Sumners, The Vice President of Astronomy at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, said they are researching sightings over the Houston sky on August 2014. The report indicates the lights in the sky were photographed, captured on video, and some images posted on Twitter.

Morristown UFO

(Date: January 5, 2009 - City: Morristown State: New Jersey)

Encounter (Fake): In early January 2009, five unidentified red glowing objects were witnessed over Morristown, New Jersey. The story gained momentum by Major and Local news networks and internet websites like Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). On  the first of April (April Fools Day) 2009, Joe Rudy and Chris Russo admitted to fooling the public and provided video evidence they created the hoax.  Apparently they wanted to demonstrate how easy it was to fool UFO “Experts.”

More Research on the Way – DBA