Are We Alone?

Is There Intelligent Life on Other Planets?

Let’s Analyze Facts about Our World’s Alien History

If we are to make any sense of our World, we must ask ourselves is the existence of “Intelligent Life” is confined to the little spec in the Universe we call Earth. Is our Intelligence a random chance of evolution that spawned into human life as we understand it? If our world has intelligent life, why wouldn’t other World’s have developed intelligent life also. Our World is only one out of billions of other Planets; isn’t that enough conclude there is a possibility of Intelligent life beyond our own. For this reason it seems reasonable to wonder “Are We Alone?” in this vast space we call our Universe.

Intelligent Life – Is it Random?

The next time you peer into the stars; ask yourself “Is there Intelligent Life out there?” When you look at the shear number of stars, isn’t it logical to suspect we might not be the only fish in this Sea of infinite Celestial Bodies. To say Earth is the only planet to sustain life in the Universe, is like saying you have to be part of a self professed religion in order  to go to Heaven. Wait, maybe we should exclude religion in this context. To conclude, there are literally billions of other Galaxies; what does this say to the possibility of other intelligent life forms. The most likely conclusion, is “We are Note Alone”.

Here are some DBA questions to stir your mind:

  1. Is there intelligent life on other planets or hidden proof of this, somewhere on our planet?
  2. How do we explain the Earth’s UFO and Alien history, or it’s documented Sightings or Encounters?
  3. Can you imagine mankind being the only living organism in our entire Universe with supreme intelligence?

What do you think? DBA want’s to hear your thoughts.